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RED DOCK or Canaigre - Rumex hymenosepalus - One of our finest herbal astringents!

Astringent Bleeding Sore throat

RED DOCK or Canaigre - Rumex hymenosepalus - One of our finest herbal astringents!

     Red Dock or Canaigre, Rumex hymenosepalus, first comes up in the springtime, starting in February in The American Southwest. It is a desert or arid loving plant. It can be found usually in sandy washes or arroyos (dried stream beds).     It grows in abundance from the deep arroyos of the Colorado Desert to the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, from sea level to 8,000 feet, although most frequently in dry, sandy soil from around 3,000 t0 6,000 feet. The best plants for medicine seem to be around 3,000 to 5,000 feet....

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